The American Suzuki Foundation is pleased to offer Aber Suzuki Center students tuition assistance through both our Need-Based Scholarship fund and several Merit-Based Scholarship funds. These scholarships are made available by generous donors such as Margery Aber, Mike Porrey, the family of Kathleen Franceschi, and through funds raised at events such as the annual Music of the Masters.
The American Suzuki Foundation, in conjunction with the Aber Suzuki Center, administers the annual campaign. Additionally, they lead an annual campaign each year and manage the following scholarship funds:
Need-based Scholarships Awards, based solely on financial need, are made annually to make study in the Aber Suzuki Center more affordable. The monies for this fund are raised each year through the Music of the Masters fundraising event. Approximately $8,500 is awarded each year. Scholarships for the academic year are awarded for the fall and spring semesters. The process is confidential, all identifying information is removed from the application before being passed to the committee.
Ruth D. Porrey Scholarship Named in memory of his late wife, this fund was established by Michael Porrey in 2007. Ruth and Mike’s two children, Ben and Amanda, both graduated from the ASC. The fund was started to help those who have experienced a recent emergency or extenuating circumstances such as suffering unexpected health or job-related financial issues.
Kathleen Franceschi Cello Scholarship Kathleen Franceschi was the first Suzuki cello teacher at the Aber Suzuki Center in the early 1980s. Her family established this scholarship from the proceeds of her cello to support dedicated ASC cello students. This scholarship is available each year for a Cello Family or a Cello Independent Learner.
Earle and Alvina Aber Family Scholarship This merit scholarship is based on the content and creativity of a family's response to how they apply Suzuki principles to their daily life and assist their young children with their musical practice. Funds come from a trust established by Margery Aber to honor her parents.
Margery V. Aber Independent Learner Scholarships Named to honor the founding director, this merit scholarship is awarded to students over age 12 who display leadership skills, regular performance for the Aber Suzuki Center, and participate in community outreach. Students who demonstrate excellence in applying Suzuki principles to their daily life and musical practice.
ASI/Shinichi SuzukiTeacher Training Scholarships Established in 1998, the purpose of this scholarship program is to honor the founder of the Suzuki Method of instruction and to continue his commitment to teacher education by assisting in the training of the next generation of Suzuki teachers.
To be notified about applying for the 2024-25 Foundation Scholarships, please complete the form below and click SUBMIT.